“If students want to progress so as to eventually arrive at a thorough understanding of hylozoics, it has proved advisable that they first acquaint themselves with the hylozoic system in its basic outlines and master its most important concepts."from an Introduction to Hylozoics 7/27/2014".
For those of you who have an active interest in esoterics (and have done a little or a lot of reading on the subject), but have not yet been exposed to Pythagorean Hylozoics, the esoteric mini-course (seen listed on the left-hand column of this page) may surprise you by the degree to which it differs from your previous esoteric explorations.
This forum has been created for those seekers of esoteric knowledge who have taken (or are in the process of taking) this mini-course or for those already familiar with Pythagorean Hyolzoics. While the mini-course is but a brief introduction to the shear immensity of this field (http://www.hylozoik.se/english/english.htm), it requires the availability of a forum if the serious student is to maximize her or his learning.
In addition, esoterics is a rare and highly abstruse subject so it is extremely helpful to have others with similar interests to share your thoughts and ideas with. This forum is a means to that end.
When you encounter a complex principle or simply have a general question regarding Pythagorean Hylozoics, simply enter your question in the space provided below. Other seekers will then have an opportunity read and to respond to your post.
Please read the contributors contribution and make any comment you feel appropriate.
Here are the questions, comments and contributions made by other contributors. Please feel free to offer any comments you may have regarding their posts.
Hylozoic Math Of Existence
The linked PDF numerically arrays an overview of states of existence, …
Esoteric teachers in the digital domain
I have four decades of esoteric study, now including more than three years of study of Pythagorean hylozoics, HTL writings, other writings and Fourth Way …
Cosmic Worlds
Where can I find a more in depth explanation of the different "worlds" that Laurency describes?
The question "In what resepects to the 49 cosmic world …
My Introduction Here
Bo Atkinson http://harmoniouspalette.com Long before discovering the wakeup call of HTL, but after beginning my life long seeker's quest, having tried …
Authenticity of E.S.Q. S. or Frater Ego sum qui sum
Before I purchase a book, who is this person?
Fr. E.S.Q.S. or Frater Ego Sum Qui Sum, Aspirant and Student of Pythagorean Hylozoics a la HTL and LA
Is …
Weekly Group Meditation
Admittedly, this proposal has been a long time coming. I had mentioned it a long while back somewhere on the forums; however, that was prior to the implementation …
Posting Rules
Important notice to all forum contributors … Please be aware that all posts to this esoteric forum are reviewed by Esoteric Law staff before they are published …
Arcane School, still connected to the Hierarchy?
I am a student with the School currently. Wanted to get perspectives on whether the School is still connected to the Hierarchy and whether it is a good …
To All Esoteric Law Readers: A Few Proposals
Admittedly, it has been some time since I last wrote here. I have been quite busy, actually - partly with my studies, partly with my writing, and partly …
RE: a sigh of relief (Unity and the Planetary Collective Consciousness)
A few words to ANONYMOUS:
I would implore you to bear in mind the fact that the purpose of that article ("Unity and the Planetary Collective Consciousness", …
Is there an Anomaly in Laurency?
Dear Friends.
I have one problem, with the Laurency material, which I would like to put forward for comment in an attempt to get past this supposed fact …
A New Year’s Message from Esoteric Law
As we begin 2017 we would like to thank all of you who participated in our forum with your many astute, challenging and thoughtful posts.
We hope you …
The action of dynamis .
I am completely new to Esoteric teachings and am about to start reading The Reality of Life by Henry T Laurency. Upon this which is a first visit to your …
The Essence of Religion PART II: In The Service of Our Lord
What follows is the second part of "The Essence of Religion". This part was written almost immediately after I finished writing "The Essence of Religion"; …
40 Essays on the Concepts in Long Thought 1: Introduction
Seeing as the forums are somewhat slow at this particular juncture and there is not much to respond to as of yet, I have decided to challenge …
Politics in Esoterics, Really?
Egads! Has politics infected the world of Laurency and Pythagorean Hylozoics? I have just read an Internet Blog post by one Håkan Blomqvist entitled …
Why So Much Mystery and so Little Proof in Esoterics?
I have had the peace of mind to start my minicourse and its' lessons. I must say that the info. here presented is very profound and requires much attention …
'The mystery of "Augoeides"!
In reading through Laurency’s Knowledge of Reality, I ran across the term “Augoeides”. It was used in a way that made me think it was important to Pythagorean …
A Counterpoint to the Organism Of Humanity
The following post is in response to The Organism of Humanity: an Analogy by Anonymous.
When addressing esoteric matters, I have found it useful to …
The Organism of Humanity: An Analogy
What follows is a short article I wrote concerning the brotherhood of man and the Analogy of the Organism of Humanity or the Anatomical Analogy. It is …
Big Bang or Big Build?
Hi Fr. E.S.Q.S.,
I was impressed with your explanation of "What is involvation" that you provided to Dick. So here’s a question for you...
“When …
What is "Involvation?
In reading Laurency and I keep running into the term “Involvation”. At first, I misread it as “involution”. Now I’m confused! I know they are two separate …
RE: the law of freedom
I can see that JRR has already beaten me to the punch; however, I'd like to add a few thoughts of my own as well - they are not quite the same and, so, …
My Most Sincere Commendations
I would just like to offer my most sincere commendations to the host(s) of this website for finally establishing a forum of sorts. I had hoped - for a …
The law of freedom
What does the law of freedom have to do with the law of unity?