This directory of local Esoteric study groups (ESG) has been created specifically for those groups using the resources of as adjuncts to their activities. Directory listings for these groups are free for the duration of the group’s existence.

Listings ( or announcements for new start up groups) should include city and state as well as any other information deemed important and appropriate in order to attract, inform and/or register new members.  A separate page for each groups listing is published on this website and is available to all readers in the United States and worldwide (currently seen in 50 countries).

Now Register Your current (or planned) Local Esoteric Study Group!

Remember, once registered your listing is free for the duration of your current (or planned) ESGs existence!

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List of Currently Registered (Or Planned) ESGs

Click below to view the list of current (or planned) ESGs.

bygden Pyrénées France (or Paris) 
Hello, I live actually in Paris, but will be moving to Pyrenees South of France soon. I have been studding the system de Pythagoras in Sweden. I would …

Mid-Atlantic Spiritual Science Academy in Baltimore, Maryland 
The Planet Soul Holistic social group has been creating conscious community since 1997. We offer a life-changing Development Circle and Metaphysical training. …

Loving each moment. Let's talk esoteric, and exoteric. Lets talk about Gnosis, about meditation, the spiritual journey in this amazing age! Are you …

Paris, France 
All person interested in the study or Henry T Laurency. Toute personne intéressée par les ouvres d'Henry T Laurency.

Kidderminster, Worcestershire, United Kingdom 
A discussion group designed to explore and discuss esoteric science and philosophy, notably the system devised by Pythagoras.

new hampshier manchester Not rated yet

Olli=Z. Finland-Sweden. Helsinki - Uppsala.  Not rated yet
Hi you , the lucky ones I´m here because Irmeli Adelskogh suggested it. I write, answer, correct. -See also "Light Technology" on the net.

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