"A Working Hypothesis of an Esoteric Tradition"

1. Inasmuch as there is only one reality, there can only be one knowledge, only one world view common to all. On the other hand, many life views are possible, due to different needs and orientations, individual characters and levels. But these life views must all rest on the common basis of knowledge supplied by the facts of esoterics.

2. At the present stage of the development of mankind, the hylozoic world view cannot be more than a working hypothesis. The further mankind develops, however, the more evident will it become that this hypothesis is incomparably superior to the hypothesis systems of ignorance in science, philosophy, theology, and occultism.

3. The onesidedness of speculation in the sphere of the theory of knowledge appears from the following: materialism says that “everything is matter”; subjectivism in philosophy and occultism, that “everything is consciousness (spirit)”; and modern physical science, that “everything is energy”. Each one of the three has concentrated on one aspect of existence only. They are partial views of a reality that simultaneously is: Matter, consciousness, and force or motion.

4. These are the objective, the subjective, and the dynamic aspects of reality. Together they combine indissolubly, but without conversion or confusion, in the hylozoic synthesis.

5.The three aspects of reality must be immediately self-evident to even the simplest intellect and not be possible to explain from anything else.

6. The original basis of everything is primordial matter. It has no limit in time and space, is beyond time and space, is absolutely dense, absolutely elastic, eternally unconscious, contains all the known and unknown qualities of life, including consciousness in a potential state, and has a dynamic (self-active) energy called dynamis.

7. The action of dynamis in primordial matter produces primordial atoms. These are the least possible parts of matter, are simple, uncompounded, and therefore indestructible.

8. Only when primordial atoms have been created is it possible for matter to produce forms. This is done through the combination of primordial atoms to form ever more composite atomic kinds (primordial atoms are atomic kind number 1) 2–49, in which process the 49 atomic kinds are the building materials of 49 different kinds of matter with the forms shaped out of them.

9. These 49 atomic kinds build the globe that is called the cosmos.

10. The 49 kinds of atomic matter making up the cosmos are different from each other in their composition of primordial atoms. This entails that each atomic world has its own dimension, duration (lapse of time), consciousness, and motion (energy). It also entails that the perception of space and time is different in the different worlds.

11. In the seven lowest cosmic worlds, 43–49, there is a further composition of their atomic kinds to form molecular matter of 42 kinds. Out of this molecular matter the countless solar systems are formed.

12. Consciousness can be actualized, be roused to life, only in atomic matter. This happens first in a process in which higher matter is composed into lower (from 1 to 49), which is called involution, thereupon in a process in which lower matter dissolves into higher (from 49 to 1), which is called evolution.

13. Involution and evolution are two processes that condition one another. Together they make up the great process of manifestation.

14. Through the great process of manifestation a cosmos is formed, is maintained, realizes its purpose, and is finally dismantled.

15. From the consciousness aspect, involution implies that consciousness is roused to life (is actualized); evolution implies that consciousness becomes self-active and later (from the human kingdom) also self-conscious in ever higher kinds of matter.

16. When through involution the primordial atom has reached “down” to world 49, its consciousness has been actualized so that it can function as an individual.

17. The primordial atom, which is the least possible part of matter, thereby becomes the least possible firm point for an individual consciousness.

18. Since the primordial atom is indestructible, this individuality is immortal.

19. The primordial atom retains the memory of everything it has experienced ever since it arose. This memory becomes latent but can be resuscitated through a contact with the corresponding reality.

20. The primordial atom’s fund of collected, latent experience determines its unique manner of apprehending and interacting with its environment. This individual character is indestructible and unique for each primordial atom.

21. The consciousness of each primordial atom is common with that of all other primordial atoms in the cosmos. This has the result that there is only one consciousness in which all primordial atoms have a share that cannot be lost.

22. Moreover, each primordial atom enters into a great number of material collectives, forms of nature, in the cosmos. The primordial atom has a common consciousness of a typical kind with each one of those collectives.

23. Every individual and every collective in the cosmos belongs to some one of the seven fundamental types.

24. Just as higher matter composes, builds and penetrates lower matter, so higher consciousness apprehends and understands all the lower kinds. In contrast, lower consciousness cannot apprehend higher, but this higher appears non-existent to the lower.

25. The primordial atom develops its consciousness in envelopes, in forms made of matter of the respective worlds.

26. The entire cosmos makes up a series of ever more refined forms of life that serve to afford the primordial atomic consciousness, step by step, with the “organs” it needs for its development.

27. In every atom, molecule, organism, world, planet, solar system, etc. there is a primordial atom at a higher stage of development than the other primordial atoms entering into this form of life. This primordial atom is a self, a monad, in its envelope. Participating primordial atomic selves at lower stages serve their development and that of others by collectively making up the envelope.

28. The motion aspect includes all events, all process of nature and life, all changes. All is in motion, and all that moves is matter.

29. There are three specifically different main causes of motion: dynamis, material energy, and will.

30. The original cause of all motion, the one primordial force, is the dynamic energy of primordial matter. Dynamis creates the primordial atoms and then maintains them. Dynamis acts in every primordial atom and only in the primordial atoms, which penetrate all matter.

31. Energy is matter in motion. All higher kinds of matter are energy in relation to all lower kinds of matter. Matter dissolves, not into energy, but into higher matter.

32. Will is the action of dynamis through active consciousness. Active consciousness thus is the ability of consciousness to let dynamis act through it.

33. The transition of manifestation from involution to evolution implies that consciousness gradually becomes self-active.

34. In evolution, consciousness in each new kind of matter (atomic and molecular kind) is just passive to begin with, that is, active only under external influence. Subsequently it becomes self-active and as such at first subjective, that is, incompletely determined by objective reality. Finally it becomes self-conscious and objective in this matter: “I am seeing this”.

35. In the three lowest natural kingdoms of evolution, the activation of consciousness is an unconscious and automatic process, which in the human kingdom eventually becomes conscious. In higher kingdoms, it is the result of self-initiated consciousness activity.

36. The consciousness evolution of the primordial atom (monad) is done in a series of ever higher natural kingdoms, six within the solar system and six in the cosmic worlds.

37. The monad consciousness “sleeps” in the mineral kingdom, “dreams” in the vegetable kingdom, awakens in the animal kingdom, acquires self-consciousness in the human kingdom, and knowledge of existence in the fifth natural kingdom.

38. The meaning of existence is consciousness development. The goal of existence is the omniscience and omnipotence of all in the entire cosmos.

39. The process implies development: in respect of knowledge from ignorance to omniscience, in respect of will from impotence to omnipotence, in respect of freedom from bondage to the power afforded by the application of the laws, in respect of life from isolation to unity with all life.

40. All material forms are subject to the law of transformation. They are formed, change, dissolve whereupon new forms take the place of the old ones. The primordial atoms making up these material compositions in so doing have opportunities to constantly have new experiences in new forms.

41. When their form is renewed, all organisms (plants, animals, men) get a form of life similar to the previous form, until their consciousness development requires a specifically different, higher form.

42. A return from a higher to a lower natural kingdom is impossible.

43. There are laws in everything and everything is expressive of law (the fundamental axiom of Hylozoics).

44. Where mankind is concerned, the seven most important laws of life are:

45. The law of freedom: every monad is its own freedom and its own law within the bounds set by the equal right of all. 

The law of unity: all monads make up a unity. To attain to superindividual                 consciousness expansion every monad must realize this unity.

The law of development: all monads develop their consciousness.

The law of self-realization: every monad must by itself acquire all the qualities           and  abilities necessary to final omniscience and omnipotence.

The law of destiny: there are forces acting upon the monad with a view to                   necessary experiences.

The law of reaping: everything good and evil we have occasioned in thoughts,           feelings, words, and deeds is returned to us with the same effect.

The law of activation: individual development is possible only through self-initiated     consciousness activity.

46. The Law is the summation of all laws of nature and laws of life. All monads are subject to the Law. Omnipotence is possible only through absolutely faultless application of the laws in their entirety.

47. Evil is all mistakes as to the Law, particularly hatred in all its countless shapes. Everything evil that the individual meets with is his own work.

48. It is the task of the life view to discover and describe the laws of life and to indicate methods of their application.

49. It is everybody’s task to apply the laws of life as far as his insight and ability permit. It is the goal of social development that human law, insight into the law and power to apply the law agree with the laws of life, the evolution of life, and the goal of life.

© Lars Adelskogh, 7 November 1983. Last change on March 8, 2012.