Group Work

by anonymous

The first proposal is as such: with the passing of time, and with continued study, it becomes quite clear to me that group work is a very great necessity. The problem, of course, is in finding like-minded individuals for such group work (also, "group projects"). The longer one studies, the more it becomes clear that there is much work to be done in the world.

Group work is necessary in that one individual will not be able to achieve much alone; also, group work helps to decentralize the individual, helps to curtail the building up of pride and arrogance, the attitude of being a "special" individual.

At this juncture, I will not propose specific group work; rather, I am testing the waters to see if there are others of like-mind frequenting this place. If so, please leave a comment and show that you would be interested in engaging in group work; likewise, if you had ideas of your own, please share them here so that we might all consider them.

The second proposal is as such: following somewhat from above, just before I came to this website today, I had a thought: "Why do we not arrange for a private chatroom discussion group? Why are we not meeting up regularly and comparing notes?" I cannot for the life of me understand how I had missed that before. We have the technology for this. It is easy enough and, so, I put that proposal to those in charge. We ought to try and arrange a sort of chatroom discussion group so that everyone has the opportunity of participating in a study group; after all, not everyone will have the luxury of living amongst like-minded individuals. We can help bridge that gap in real-time. Just a thought.

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Feb 09, 2025
Group work
by: Anonymous

There is a group that meets through Zoom. Contact the website administrator for more information.

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