Instructions for Minicourse…
1. Click on “Assignment” to access The Knowledge of Reality.
2. Read Chapters 1.15– 1.23 to answer questions 21 – 29.
3. (Optional), Please post your Thoughts, Ideas or Comments.
The Knowledge of Reality
(by Henry T. Laurency)
Chapters 1.15 – 1.23
The Problems of Reality, Part One
21. What is meant by “actualization of consciousness”?
22. What is meant by “self”?
23. What is the cosmic total consciousness?
24. What is the most important to know about consciousness?
25. What is meant by subjective and objective consciousness?
26. How is it that everything subjective has its objective counterpart?
27. Describe briefly man’s three main kinds of consciousness.
28. What is meant by “47-self”, “46-self”, etc.?
29. What is meant by “waking consciousness”, “subconsciousness”, and “superconsciousness”?
After studying the assigned chapters in “The Knowledge of Reality”, and answering the assigned questions (to your personal satisfaction), we encourage you to post your thoughts, ideas or comments regarding your learning. In this way we can all benefit from the collective contributions of our ever-expanding community of seekers. We also encourage each of you to read and post your comments in response to each other’s learning experience. This kind of shared interchange can help advance everyone’s understanding of Pythagorean Hylozoics.
Here are the thoughts, ideas and comments submitted by Others to the assigned questions...
The Elephant
A good question to ponder on: are you self-conscious? We know that consciousness is; absolute and everything in the cosmos is conscious, one …