A Short Meditation on the Glamour of Wealth

by Fr. E.S.Q.S.


Recently, I had decided to do a bit of writing on the three great glamour's (as I am calling them throughout): wealth, glory, and power. My intention with these writings is to clarify, to my mind at least, as per why they are glamour's, why they are illusions. These meditations are based largely upon my studies in Esoterics and lived experiences.

What follows, then, is a short meditation on the glamour of wealth, which was written this morning in my journal. I have decided to share it with the members of this website - and the world-at-large via the website. Perhaps someone might benefit from reading and considering it.

Please be mindful of the fact that these are my own thoughts and opinions on the matter. They are not necessarily correct.

The Glamour of Wealth

The first and foremost glamour that I ought to consider is wealth. Of the three glamour’s, the notion that “living well” is measured and indicated by the acquisition of things is the most prevalent. This is, perhaps, a very barbaric/civilizational idea. No cultural man can agree with this glamour; in fact, cultural man strives for simplicity. Having things tends to complicate one’s life. As such, having things tends to get in the way of the cultural man’s striving to cultivate his emotionality and mentality. He wants “just enough”; the bare minimum to survive: food, water, clothing, and shelter. He does not live for these things like the barbarian/civilizational man does; rather, he lives for his “work” – what deems to be his particular contribution to the betterment of his society.

The barbarian/civilizational man measures his worth by the weight of his coin; he is glad when has much money, and despondent when he has little money. His happiness and self-esteem fluctuate with the contents of his bank account. The cultural man is an entirely different matter. In 9 cases out of 10, he is poor. In a society such as ours, a society that hardly cares for its truly cultural individuals and their “work” for emotionality and mentality, he is looked down upon with utter contempt. He is seen as “worthless” – in keeping with their own barbaric/civilizational values - because he has nothing. His work is seen as “worthless” because it often doesn’t make him any money. He has to fight to continue his “work”. In 9 cases out of 10, his “work” happens in dark corners and is only “discovered” long after his death. In any case, though he is poor, he is most often content to do his “work”. He does not expect much thanks – in fact, he does not need it. He does his “work” because it is a joy to do so, not so that he may benefit from it. He begins to understand that life, when it is at its best, is work and toil. It is a joy to “work”, in so far as the “work” is work he has chosen for himself and is not merely the dictates of moronic public opinion.

The glamour of wealth is a lie. Having things is no indication of “living well”; in fact, it often indicates the opposite. Not always, of course – but often. One thought that people could consider is the fact that the wealthy are often incredibly miserable. Having things does not free you; rather, having things binds you. Having things can torment you. For example: what fear does the common man have of being robbed? He has nothing worth taking. He will not be targeted – or, if he is, he will lose practically nothing. A wealthy person, on the other hand, has much to be concerned about. He is a potential target and he has much to lose; not least of all his happiness and self-esteem which is bound to his things. The poor man, by virtue of circumstances even, is forced to learn to value other things.

Wealth is not a sign of progress; of growth and development. Even the worst of people can be wealthy – criminals, for instance. In fact, for those who want money, who want things, this is probably the most efficient way to go – not that it is the wisest, of course.

Another thing that tends to plague the wealthy individual – especially the barbarian/civilizational men – is not understanding the value of money, properly. As such, though they have more than enough money, more than enough things, they end up living well beyond their means. For example, it is not so strange to see such a man win the lottery on a Friday and be back to work by Monday having nothing to show for his winnings but a hangover and a messy house. Once they have the money, they also think that they have the “need” of something – anything – they deem to be “bigger and better” than what they had, previously. With a million dollars burning a hole in his pocket, he decides that he probably needs a mansion, five more cars, and two sailboats. A man who has a proper sense of money and its worth – such as we might find in a cultural man, actually – would be able to budget that million dollars to last a lifetime. I have seen this happen time and again. They never seem to learn. Live within your means. And what are those? Why, those which life has dictated: food, water, clothing, and shelter – what is necessary and no more. If you should happen to have money, great – put it to good use. Do not squander it, mindlessly. Do not give in to all manner of impulses; wanting and desiring. Instead, ask yourself: do I really need this? If not, then set it aside and forget about it. Keep your money and invest it somewhere else.

Wealth is not as important as people claim. It is nice, a luxury even. It can make our lives somewhat easier to live; however, we cannot choose to be wealthy. It is, largely, outside of our control. For example, most people who are wealthy are born into it. Very few people have actually made their wealth. If they did, then there are other factors involved. It is not merely a matter of “hard work”, as the barbarian/civilizational man claims. This is an illusion they adore. It is like the carrot dangling from a stick which keeps the jackass moving forward. Often, there is an element of “luck” involved; a matter of destiny, of good reaping – or bad reaping, mind you. We don’t get to decide this. We do not get to demand it of anyone. Though it is certainly true that we need a bit of money to trade for bare necessities like food and water, we do not need much. We do not need to be like many dragons, amassing wealth merely to sit on it. “Just enough” is what we need. After that, we ought to direct our attention towards the acquisition of virtues; of qualities and abilities. We ought to direct our attention towards becoming better men. This is, perhaps, the best contribution that we can make for our society; granted, we will probably be despised for it and our contribution will be thought to be “worthless”, but we must not let idiots decide for us what is good. We must not compromise merely to meet their lower standards, their lower values. When we make that sort of “compromise”, we shortchange ourselves and our society. It is, in truth, the demand that the cultural man “come down” to the barbarian/civilizational man’s level.

The glamour of wealth is an illusion – one causing a great many men to suffer, unnecessarily. I suppose, however, that this suffering will be unavoidable for the majority until they finally start wondering about the meaning and purpose of life. So long as they live their life as the pundits of public opinion say they should, so long as they do not ask questions of life, they will suffer this illusion. After all, every man must have some meaning and purpose in his life. If he believes there is none – as the pundits of public opinion claim – then he will settle for something, anything, including the notion that wealth is the measure and indicator of “living well”. To a man such as myself, his life seems empty. It is chasing chimeras. He has imbibed a lie – mostly out of desperation. I can never again go chasing after wealth, after things, for that illusion is destroyed. The real treasures that I seek are not found in the world, so to speak; rather, they are found inside. The real “work” is the building up of the man, in life upon life; the building up of a better society for all men.

Things? They are but dust in the wind. See it like that and you will never again go chasing things.

Thanks for your time,


Fr. E.S.Q.S.

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Oct 23, 2016
In an age where everyone knows the cost of everything but the value of nothing.
by: Hazelwood

I thoroughly concur with this article. The barbarian and (barely) civilized individual do not understand themselves, the meaning and purpose of a life, and the value of true (inner/spiritual) gold. Why would they for they are not interested in anything they cannot see, touch, feel and own.

I was once asked how I would measure the success of my life at the end of my days. My response was that it would be the positive effect that I have had on those who came into contact with me.

The cultural man understands that although he often works alone, unrecognised and unrewarded (y this world's standards, he knows that compassion and love for other beings is his only aim, even though so often they will throw it right back in his face without a thank you. For surely in a progressive (cultured) society a wise man is a foolish man's teacher, and a rich man is a poor man's sponsor!

Peace be with you my friends, and keep on keeping on.


Oct 19, 2016
From Barbarism to Culture; Along the Esoteric Path
by: JR @ Esoteric Law

An interesting characterization of the individual at the stage of culture and the rewards earned by having overcome the alluring glamour of wealth along the way.


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